90% of employers use background checks.
4 out of 5 landlords use background checks.
Half of all kids have a parent with a record.
Criminal records create real barriers to opportunity, but expunging a record can be costly and complicated.
Clean Slate Utah is here to help provide information about Utah's Clean Slate law and connect self-represented people with free resources to help them get their records expunged. Read more about Clean Slate Utah and help us out by making a tax-deductible donation today! Our nonprofit EIN is 87-1471899.
Please note that any information, including phone numbers collected by Clean Slate Utah, will not be shared with any third-party providers.
Our supporters make all the difference! Your contribution will help us change someone's life with access to a second chance and a brighter future.
Become a monthly contributorTo obtain information about becoming a corporate sponsor by emailing: Destiny@cleanslateutah.org
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