Clean Slate Utah is partnering with the Smith Entertainment Group Foundation, National Basketball Social Justice Coalition, and Rasa Legal to host an expungement summit at the Delta Center on January 22, 2025. The event will provide opportunities for justice-impacted Utahns to determine their eligibility for record clearance, get expungement application support, and connect with volunteer attorneys, community resources, and job opportunities.
Utah Expungement Summit
Wednesday, January 22, 2 – 7 pm
Delta Center, 301 S. Temple, Salt Lake City
This event is FREE but pre-registration by January 15th is highly encouraged. For event info and registration visit:
As we reflect on the past year, we are humbled and inspired by our journey together at Clean Slate Utah. Our commitment to ensuring that this work is guided by lived experience, including through unique perspectives provided by valued staff and board members, continues. Read the full report now.